Privacy Policy

1. Our Privacy Policy

Scandinavian Research Partners AB, together with all of our affiliates (collectively as ”Scandinavian Research Partners” or ”we” or ”us”) takes privacy and integrity concerns seriously. We vow to protect all personal information of people and/or legal entities that are registered with us. In this Privacy Policy we will outline how we collect, use, share and guard personal information that we collect from clients, experts and visitors on

We control all personal information that is obtained and collected from residents within the EEA (European Economic Area). If you chose to either become a client or an expert, or if you are just visiting our website, you then give us your consent to collect, use and transfer your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Please do not visit our website, nor enlist as a client or expert if you do not agree with our Privacy Policy.

2. About The Information We Collect

Through operating as a business that offer our core services (facilitation of micro-consultations with experts) we may obtain your personal information in the purpose of offering our service to our clients. This might be through the use of our website, email, telephone or other channels.  We will always make it very clear whenever your personal information is needed for us to be able and deliver the service. We may also automatically record your ”usage data” whenever you visit our website, such as your internet protocol. Information may also be collected through ”cookies”.

3. We May Collect Your Information:

3.1 For Clients

Whenever a Client wants send a request or register with us, we will then collect their contact details such as: company name, personal name, email, phone number and project description. 

3.2 For Experts

All experts that wants to enlist on our website or to us directly through other channels, will be asked to provide us with their personal information including: name, email, professional background, academic background and address. In order for us to compensate experts for the time spent consulting, we must also collect their banking details in order to be able to process the payments. 

3.3 For Applicants

All applicants on our website will be asked to provide us with the following information such as: name, email, professional and academic background along with their CV.

4. The purpose behind us collecting your information:

We may use your personal information for the following reasons:

4.1. To provide a service

- Use experts information so that we can present truthworthy profiles to our clients.

- Use experts information so that we easily can find suitable candidates quicker. 

4.2. To enhance a service 

- Some information is needed so that we can market ourself in a proper way towards the clients/world. 

- To be able to communicate new services/offers/news that might be of interest to both our clients and experts. 

- Applicants personal information to enhance our team with new employees. 

4.3. Comply with a regulation and/or law

- So that we can protect against any illegalities, liabilities or claims.

- So that we can defend or make a legal claim/case. 

5.The Transfer and Disclosure of Data

All personal data that is given to Scandinavian Research Partners is held by us inside the EEA (European Economic Area), and the information is used by our employees and/or other third parties that is subject to your approval. The information we obtain might also be held, processed and accessed outside the EEA, in the case of such transfer, Scandinavian Research Partners will assure that the information is still protected and safe - we will in such case use "European Commissions Standard Contractual Clauses".

6. Your Rights and Options

You have the option to obtain a copy of all personal information that we have on record, this must be communicated through a written or electronic message. 

You have the option to opt-out of our services at any given moment of time, this must be communicated through a written or electronic message. As soon as we receive this request, we will make sure to delete all your personal information. Be aware that in such instances we will not be able to work with you any more. 

As a resident of the EEA region, you have the full rights and options in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). 

(We will always ask for full identification in any of the cases above)

7. Retention of Data

We will retain your personal information as long as its necessary for the core purpose of our business so that we can provide our services as efficiently as possible. We will never ask for too much information nor keep non relevant information, nor will we keep information longer than necessary. 

8. Contact Details

Anyone is welcome to contact us for further discussions in regards to the usage of personal information.


Phone: +46 (0) 706 788 185